I first became aware of John Kubiniec's quilts when he entered a McCall's Quilting Quilt Design Star contest. Although he didn't take first place, his designs and workmanship were unique, stunning, and memorable. Over the years, we've worked together many times on his submissions to McCall's Quilting and McCall's Quick Quilts magazines, and we even got to spend time together in person this spring when he came to my home town to teach some quilting classes.
I was absolutely thrilled for him when he landed a book contract with C&T Publishing, taking his interest in Drunkard's Path quilt designs to new depths and heights. John's book A New Spin on Drunkard's Path is now widely available, and he's hosting a blog tour beginning tomorrow to get the word out! Hill Street Quilts will be one of the blog stops on October 1, and I'll be giving away a copy of the book and a set of acrylic templates by Marti Michell that are useful in making quilts from the book. Please check back on October 1 for a chance to win, and visit the following websites for additional chances to win great prizes. There are some great quilting blogs participating in this tour, so each day is sure to be fun and inspiring. Let's celebrate Drunkard's Path quilts!
September 26, 2016
Jennifer Dick www.42quilts.com
C&T Publishing http://www.ctpub.com/blog/
September 27, 2016
Sara Lawson www.sewsweetness.com/blog
Heather Kojan http://www.heatherkojan.com
September 28, 2016
Bill Volckening http://willywonkyquilts.blogspot.com
McCall’s Quilting http://www.mccallsquilting.com/blogs/
September 29, 2016
Generation Q Magazine http://generationqmagazine.com
Bonnie Hunter http://quiltville.blogspot.com
September 30, 2016
Made by ChrissieD http://madebychrissied.blogspot.com
LoveBug Studios https://www.lovebugstudios.com/blog/
October 1, 2016
Kathy Patterson http://hillstreetquilts.blogspot.com
Teresa Coates http://www.crinkledreams.com
October 2, 2016
Carl Hentsch http://3dogdesignco.blogspot.com
October 3, 2016
Teri Lucas https://terificreations.com
Lisa Calle https://lisacalle.wordpress.com
October 4, 2016
Linzi Upton https://thequiltquine.wordpress.com
Nicole Daksiewicz www.modernhandcraft.com/blog
October 5, 2016
Marti Michell http://frommartimichell.blogspot.com
Debby Brown http://higheredhands.blogspot.com
October 6, 2016
Melody Crust http://melodycrust.blogspot.com/
Kim Niedzwiecki http://www.gogokim.com
October 7, 2016
Patrick Lose http://www.patricklose.com
John Kubiniec https://www.bigrigquilting.com/blog/