Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sewing Space Progress

Today I got the rudiments of a sewing space set up in the little room at the top of the stairs! As in any home project, I learned a few things the hard way today, like the router for the entire house is connected to that ugly thing on the wall behind my sewing machine, and the cord is only about a yard long. Solution: tuck a tiny table under the sewing table and put the computer gizmo on there (if you look at the photo carefully you can see its lights glowing kind of evilly). Lesson two was that there's really nowhere else to put the printer but in this room. Solution: put the end piece of an Ikea bookcase set in the corner, put the printer on top, and store all the paper supplies, ink cartridges, etc. on the shelves.

My plan is for this to be only the beginning of the transformation of this space. Still to come:

  • Empty all the bookcases to make space for stash fabric
  • Move the roll-top desk to the bedroom and bring the big library table in here instead
  • Set the library table on risers to get it to a good height to be a cutting table
  • Mount flannel or felt to the wall where the desk is now for a design wall
  • Bring in my Grandma Saylor's old wooden ironing board
  • Pretty things up a little bit
But, for now, it's a minimally functional space and it's off to the shower for me!

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